
Sunday, October 13, 2013

What makes something funny?

Comedy is not a science, it's art. The contemporary meaning of the term, it is any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter. Therefore there are no rules and it can be very subjective. What one person finds funny another might cringe at.

But what really makes a thing funny is an interesting angle that takes us to a level of humorous observation about a subject that we hadn't noticed or considered before now. We laugh when we reach that point; and the more unexpected the point the more laughter you hear.

Mr McGraw added that the discovery would also explain why humour may not travel well.
“It’s hard to find a comedy that’s funny cross-culturally because the ways that violations can be benign differ from culture to culture."
“The comedy that is funny cross-culturally tends to involve a lot of physical humour. The violations are clear no matter who you are.”

What is a fact?

A fact (derived from the Latin factum) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are verified by repeatable experiments.